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When aiming to export to the USA, machinery must observe the very strict FDA and USDA standards: washdown is the right word.
Here at Storci we give this aspect a great deal of thought; systems are conceived in such a way as to allow for regular and constant manual cleaning, using construction materials which are resistant to the aggressive action of the chemical agents and/or steam used during sanitization procedures.
Washdown is the process of cleaning surfaces which come into contact with foodstuffs from top to bottom, usually by means of detergent solutions applied using a high-pressure jet cleaner. Which is why all the machinery, the mechanical and electrical components of the Storci “WD” series are designed to resist high-pressures as well as water and various chemical solutions.
Storci “WD” offers the best investments in automation and construction quality to provide a maximum guarantee against the sale of contaminated products; furthermore, as well as gains in food safety, products also have a longer shelf-life meaning greater opportunities for sales in markets further away, such as the already mentioned United States.
Read more: www.storci.com/pdf/news/storcicom/eng/storcicom7ENG.pdf (PAGE 2)

