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Photovoltaic system

Renewable and sustainable
We have got the photovoltaic system, and not only that one


We have participated at “Bando Energia”, that is an operative project of the PorFest (the European Fund of the Regional Development) 2014-2020 by the Emilia-Romagna Region, co-sponsored by the European Fund of the Regional Development.


We have always been very attentive to whatever can upgrade working place and environment and to the use of new technologies.

Thanks to this important project, we have got the possibility to substitute the lights in the assembly department and install a photovoltaic system on the roof of our Factory.

All this has been planned to get significant, specific improvements as follows:

  • Level and quality of lighting in the working areas

  • Lighting cost abatement

  • Main energy consumption at low environmental impact

  • Reduction of the burdens for energy supply.


The achievement of these goals has been possible thanks to the economic support by the European Union by the Emilia-Romagna Region.
Please find some of these interventions in the pictures below and on the sides.




photovoltaic system Spa

photovoltaic system Storci Spa

lights in the assembly department

